Classic Conveyancing
Helping Your Kids Step into the Property Market

Helping Your Kids Step into the Property Market

Buying a first home has always been a financial challenge, but housing affordability in Australia has declined so much in recent decades that younger generations are struggling to gain entry to the property market at all. As a result, more parents wish to take practical steps to help their children step onto the property ladder. This article explores three common ways that parents can assist...

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Buying Property with Someone Else — Considerations for Property Co-owners

Buying Property with Someone Else — Considerations for Property Co-owners

Buying a property with someone else is a great way to share the fun, stress, and cost of the venture. Often people buy a house with their significant other, to make a home or invest together. Others buy property with friends, relatives or business partners. Joining forces with someone else can increase your borrowing power, and pooling savings can bring a deposit within reach. However, there are...

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Buying a Property?  Don’t Skip the Pre-Settlement Inspection

Buying a Property? Don’t Skip the Pre-Settlement Inspection

Purchasing a property is a significant undertaking. One crucial step in the process that should not be overlooked is the pre-settlement inspection. This involves the buyer inspecting the property just prior to completing the purchase. In this article, we explore the importance of pre-settlement inspections, when and how to conduct them, buyers’ rights, what to look for, and how to deal with any...

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